On average, a well costs around $7500-$9000. This includes all costs pertaining to drilling and the installation of the pumping system. Conditioning equipment is required in some cases and typically ranges from $2500-$4000.
The depth of your well will be determined by the amount of water the well produces. The deeper the well, the less gallons per minute are needed because the 6 inch diameter well acts as a reservoir. The deeper the well, the more water it will hold. Each foot of the well will hold 1.33 gallons of water. Therefore 1 gallon per minute may be sufficient for a 600 foot well but not for a 200 foot well.
Well location is based upon many determining factors such as isolation distances from septic systems, future property usage (ex. pool, storage shed, garages, etc.) and property lines. Geological formation factors and drilling machinery access also play a part in determining the best location.
Most wells in our region produce plenty of water for typical domestic use. Many wells supply enough for irrigation systems as well. However, there are some geological formations in which water is limited. Even low yielding wells produce enough water to fill large storage tanks that can be placed on a timed schedule to meet water usage needs and expectations. A low yielding well does not have to be a major concern.
North Carolina laws require each county health department to test every new well for contaminants, heavy metals, and harmful organic chemicals. Your water well should be tested after the well is drilled, and then once every year thereafter because normal groundwater flow and other changing conditions can alter the quality of your water. Annual chlorination of your well is also a good idea. For best results, have this done by a professional. If your water has been tested and deemed safe for drinking but you are still unsatisfied with the quality of your water, many water treatment systems are available to achieve the highest quality groundwater possible.
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